Bemus Point Elementary School To Present ‘Alice In Wonderland’ On Friday

BEMUS POINT — Fourth- and fifth-grade musical students at Bemus Point Elementary School will present Disney’s Alice in Wonderland at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Friday.
The students began their journey in musical theater with theater workshops in January and February to learn the rules of the stage, learn stage presence and have continued learning to sing, dance and move on stage. The students also participated in the Shea’s Performing Arts Center’s Junior Theater Celebration on Friday. This is the first time that the event is being offered at the end of the year, and Mrs. Way jumped at the opportunity for her students to be able to participate. At the celebration the cast of Disney’s Alice in Wonderland Jr. will present a song from the show and participate in a full day of workshops with students from all over Western New York.
On Friday, there will be a basket giveaway and bake sale in the Bemus Point Elementary School lobby to benefit the production. There is no admission fee. For more information visit the Bemus Point Elementary Music page on Facebook.